Game Designer: Unknown
Game Designer: Unknown
About Me
I started running a Nerf club in 2018 which inspired me to start researching and developing different game modes. The more I researched the various rules that people are using the more I felt like making this website. My hope is that this will become a good resource for the Nerf community. I will say that I received a lot of inspiration from the game modes that Ben from Rochester Parkour created.
Personally, I really like games that have some kind of theme and have objectives other than shooting the other players. There are quite a few game mechanisms available and it's interesting to see the variety of ways in which they can be combined. In addition, I enjoy the diverse field setups people are using since Nerf can be played almost anywhere.
Oddly enough I didn't grow up with Nerf blasters, I guess my parents never wanted to buy them for me, but absolutely love playing with them now. I've always been interested in shooting sports. When I was really young it started with blanket forts and sock balls. Eventually, I moved to inexpensive airsoft guns and then to paintball once I turned 16. Paintball was a lot of fun but there are a lot of things I found I didn't like about it. For instance, the cost of paintball is so much more than Nerf. I typically spent around $50 ($10 field fee, $35 for ammo, $5 for air) every time I went paintballing which severally limited my ability to play regularly. In addition, I typically found that most paintball games ended up being team deathmatch with rarely any other type of objective. Hence my move to Nerf.