Game Designer: Unknown
Game Designer: Unknown
Nerf War Rules For
Sithal War
Player Count:
Playing Time:
7 min

Game Designer:
Bryen M.A.N.O (Milwaukee Area Nerf Outings)
The Sith and their legion of dim-witted droids are attempting to destroy the Jedi base utterly. The Jedi & their clone troopers need to send out a distress signal before they are overrun. Themed after Star Wars/ a Futurama episode, this game mode is geared towards clubs who enjoy utter silliness. It’s a great opportunity for droid players to be smart alecks as they can do nothing unless given a command by the Sith Lords.
In addition to the silliness, it’s a great opportunity to add some theme. Thematic things players can do as droids include responding to an order with “Roger, Roger”, curling up into a ball while waiting to respawn, and acting confused about what an order means.
Quick Reference Rules:
Droid players cannot do anything unless ordered by a Sith player.
Droid players have an on the spot 15 second respawn. However, if a Sith player taps a Droid on the shoulder, the Droid instantly respawns.
Once tagged, Sith can not give orders or flip objectives until they respawn. They are allowed to move around.
A Sith can only respawn if the other Sith puts their hand on their shoulder and either says a Star Wars quote or counts to 5. Sith must respawn on their side Jedi and the clone trooper players have a 15 second rolling respawn at their respawn point.
Only Jedi or Sith can flip the objectives to their team's colors.
Only Droids can shoot over the cups. Cups can not be reset up.
Game ends when all the cup towers are knocked over or the objectives have been switched to the republic’s color.

Detailed Rules

How specific do the Sith orders need to be?
They should be very specific; they include but are not limited to telling droid players to reload, aim, fire, move & dodge. Droid players are encouraged to be smart alecks and make things silly and fun.

What constitutes a cup tower being knocked over?
All of the cups need to be on their side. If any cup is standing whether on its bottom or top then the tower is still standing. Yes that means that a cup could end up being shot back to a standing position although the republics team is not allowed to purposefully do this.

Do Jedi or Sith have any special immunity to ammo?
No. Although, clubs might like to experiment with this.

What if the Sith are tagged out at the same time?
A tagged out Sith can respawn another tagged out Sith, so the two Sith just need to move to meet each other at any location on the field.

What do you do if a Jedi or Sith get shot during mid flip of the objective?
Set it back to the color that it was at before they started flipping it.

Can I move an objective to another location?

Group-Specific Rules
Decide On...
who has the final say on a disagreement about someone getting hit.
rules for jumping over or climbing on bunkers
what types of ammo are allowed
a dart velocity limit (I like 120 fps)
whether blaster hits and friendly fire count
rules for shields and melee weapons
what signifies that a player has respawned

Other General Rules
Be respectful. It’s only a game.
Use common sense
Before touching someone's gear ask for permission
Everyone should have eye protection
Don't move bunkers
Ricochets don't count
Players shouldn't discuss what's going on if they haven't spawned back in.
Victory Condition:
The Separatists (Sith team) win by knocking over the Jedi cups.
The Republic ( Jedi team) wins if they are able to flip all objectives to their color (send out a distress signal).
Supplies Needed:
15 solo cups
6 objective points that can be flipped between the teams colors (can be as simple as a wood block painted with the team colors on each side)

More Information

Learn More

Basic Supplies
Foam Blasters (e.g. Nerf)
Extra Ammo
Bunkers (e.g. cardboard)
Copy of Rules
Team Indicators (Optional)
Setup Required:
Pistols only
Divide the teams so approximately 75% of the players are on the Sith team.
Assign 1 player to be a Jedi and 2 players to be Sith. Give them each a melee device. They are not allowed to use blasters.
Set up 3 cup towers on the republic's side (See figure below for how to set up the tower). The cups towers should not be too close together.
Set out 6 objectives on the separatists side. The objectives should not be too close together.
Designate a respawn area for the Republic’s side
Optional: After 7 minutes, Republic players are no longer allowed to respawn (including Jedi). If the Jedi gets tagged out after the 7 minute mark then there is no way for the Republic to end. You can either end the game there or let the clones fight until they are wiped out. The Sith and Droids can continue to respawn after the 7 minute mark.

Example Field Setups