Game Designer: Unknown
Game Designer: Unknown
Nerf War Rules For
Bang! The Nerf Game
Player Count:
Playing Time:
5-10 Min

Game Designer:
Adam (Game Mode Repository)
This is a social deduction type game similar to Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). It is based on a board game called Bang! The Dice Game. In this game there are essentially two teams trying to eliminate each other. On one side you have the Sheriff and his/hers deputy(s) and on the other side you have the outlaw(s). In addition there is a renegade(s) who is essentially on their own team but usually helps whichever side is losing. The twist is that the sheriff doesn’t know who is trying to help or eliminate them.
Quick Reference Rules:
Quick notes from the setup
Everyone knows who’s the sheriff
Outlaws and renegades know each other
Deputies don’t know each other
Sheriff gets 5 lives, everyone else gets 3 lives
Now onto the rules
Players and especially the sheriff must try and deduce who is friend and who is foe. Players are encouraged to lie and be deceitful.
A player may give one or more of their lives to the sheriff during the game as long as it’s not their last.
When a player is tagged they must drop one of their lives. They then have a 5 second immunity to get away. After the 5 seconds is up the must yell respawn.
When a player loses all of their lives they must yell out their role. They then become ghosts.
Ghosts act like zombies. When tagged ghosts respawn at their teams designated ghost respawn.
Game ends when either the sheriff is eliminated or only the sheriff/deputies remain alive.

Detailed Rules

Are players allowed to show other players their role card?
No. The point of this game is for people to deduce who is on their team. Players are welcome to tell each other what their role is but they are also encouraged to lie about their role.

Can players give live to other players who are not the sheriff?
Only the sheriff can give lives to other players. The player must not have been eliminated when receiving a life. The sheriff is not allowed to give away their last life. Note the sheriff may unknowingly give a life to an outlaw or renegade, it’s just a risk they take.

Can a ghost win/whose team are they on?
Ghosts (zombies) still have the same objective as when they were alive. For example the ghost outlaws still win if they eliminate the sheriff before all of the outlaws and renegades are eliminated. The ghost deputies win if the outlaws and renegades are eliminated. A ghost renegade can still win if they are the one to eliminate the sheriff when there is only one outlaw/renegade alive.

Which respawn do ghost renegades respawn at?
They can respawn at either respawn but should be trying to help the team at which they respawned, at least initially. Remember don’t be a jerk.

Can ghosts (zombies) use blasters?
No. Once a player is eliminated they should go put their blasters down. They now must physically tag players with their hands.

What happens when a ghost tags another ghost?
They must both go respawn.

If I’m a ghost and someone asks what my role is do I have to answer truthfully?
Yes. You announced it when you were eliminated so it is no longer a secret.

How does the immunity work?
You must immediately start counting and after 5 seconds shout “Respawn”. You are not allowed to delay the counting or respawning. During your immunity tags by darts or ghosts don’t count. You are allowed to run to where ever they want to be. You are not allowed to shoot during your immunity.

Group-Specific Rules
Decide On...
who has the final say on a disagreement about someone getting hit.
rules for jumping over or climbing on bunkers
what types of ammo are allowed
a dart velocity limit (I like 120 fps)
whether blaster hits and friendly fire count
rules for shields and melee weapons
what signifies that a player has respawned

Other General Rules
Be respectful. It’s only a game.
Use common sense
Before touching someone's gear ask for permission
Everyone should have eye protection
Don't move bunkers
Ricochets don't count
Players shouldn't discuss what's going on if they haven't spawned back in.
Victory Condition:
The sheriff and deputies win if they eliminate all the outlaws and renegades.
The outlaws win if they eliminate the sheriff.
A renegade wins if they are the only player alive at the end and they were the one to eliminate the sheriff.
See detailed rules for how ghosts win.
Supplies Needed:
3 life indicators (flags) per player plus an additional 2 life indicators for the sheriff
deck of cards

More Information

Learn More

Basic Supplies
Foam Blasters (e.g. Nerf)
Extra Ammo
Bunkers (e.g. cardboard)
Copy of Rules
Team Indicators (Optional)
Setup Required:
Select the correct number of cards for the roles based on the number of players
4 player game – 1 sheriff, 0 deputies, 1 renegade, 2 outlaws
5 player game – 1 sheriff, 1 deputy, 1 renegade, 2 outlaws
6 player game – 1 sheriff, 1 deputy, 1 renegade, 3 outlaws
7 player game – 1 sheriff, 2 deputies, 1 renegade, 3 outlaws
8 player game – 1 sheriff, 2 deputies, 2 renegades, 3 outlaws
Pass out the roles/cards. Players should keep these hidden from each other.
Have everyone stand in a circle and close their eyes.
Say the following “Renegades in this next bit you have the choice on whether to open your eyes or keep them closed same for putting your thumb up. You may also try and be sneaky about opening your eyes such as squinting or opening and closing them quickly. Alright, outlaws/renegades open your eyes and put your thumbs up.”
Count to 5, then have the players put their thumbs back down and close their eyes, then have everyone open their eyes.
The sheriff reveals themselves to everyone at this point and receives two additional lives
Players can start anywhere on the field.
Designate two areas for ghost respawns. One for the deputies and the other for the outlaws.
Provide every player with 3 life indicators

Example Field Setups