Game Designer: Unknown
Game Designer: Unknown
Nerf War Rules For
King of Tokyo
Player Count:
Playing Time:
6 Min

Game Designer:
Adam (Game Mode Repository)
This is a semi-cooperative variant of King of the Hill with several twists to classic mechanisms. It is based on the board game with the same name and provides many strategic choices to the players. Players attempt to control Tokyo while trying to manage their lives so they don’t get eliminated. Unlike typical games that have elimination, players can regain lives and also choose to not yield a position even after getting tagged. During the game players are sometimes on the same team and at other times fighting against everyone else.
Quick Reference Rules:
Players are on the same team when outside of Tokyo.
Players who are inside Tokyo are in “free for all mode”.
Players cannot leave Tokyo unless tagged out.
Players take control of Tokyo by hitting their color timer.
Players start with 10 lives (health)
When a player is tagged they must choose whether to instant respawn or return to a respawn point. Either way they must drop 1 of their lives (health). Whenever you respawn you must shout “RESPAWN”.
Players may gain lives back (heal) when outside of Tokyo.
Game ends when the timer runs out.

Detailed Rules

Who should I shoot at/ when is someone on my team?
This is constantly changing. Tokyo is considered “free for all”, players in Tokyo can shoot at any one. Players not in Tokyo are essentially on the same team and thus can only shoot players inside of Tokyo. For example player 1 is inside of Tokyo and players 2 and 3 are outside of Tokyo. Player 1 is shooting at both players 2 and 3 who are both shooting back (player 2 and 3 are on the same team at the moment). Player 3 then decides to enter Tokyo and immediately shoots player 2 (which is allowed because they are now inside of Tokyo). Player 1 then shoots player 3 because even though they are both in Tokyo it’s a “free for all” inside of Tokyo. Note that if a player is outside of Tokyo and shoots another player outside of Tokyo that player does not lose a life because they are on the same team.

How do I gain lives back (heal)?
In order to heal you must have at least one flag of your starting color. Players heal by picking up a flag off the ground that does not match their color and is outside of Tokyo. Any flags inside Tokyo are considered out of play. You cannot heal while respawning, it must occur as part of the game play. There is no limit to how many flags you can have.

Do I need to stop my timer if I get tagged and decide not to instant respawn?
No. It is the responsibility of the other players to take control of Tokyo.

Am I eliminated when I drop my last flag (health) or when I get tagged and don’t have any flags to drop?
You are eliminated when you are not able to drop a flag. Remember you need at least one of your starting flags to heal so once you drop your last flag you can’t heal.

How quickly do I need to decide if I want to instantly respawn?
It should be almost immediate (i.e. you get hit then immediately yell “Respawn” instead of hit). Just remember that if you yell “Respawn” and then immediately get hit again you lose another life, so choose wisely. If you don’t want to instant respawn then you should yell “Hit” and put your hand up.

What do I do if I decide not to instantly respawn?
Yell “Hit”, put your hand up then drop one of your flags (health). You then go to one of the Designated respawn points to respawn. Your back in the game as soon as you yell respawn while at a respawn point. Note you can take time to reload before yelling “Respawn”

Can I shoot/ move before dropping a life after an instant respawn?
You should try and drop the flag at the same time as yelling “Respawn”, however in the heat of battle it can be difficult to remember. So you are allowed to shoot right after you yell respawn but should not move until you drop a flag.

Group-Specific Rules
Decide On...
who has the final say on a disagreement about someone getting hit.
rules for jumping over or climbing on bunkers
what types of ammo are allowed
a dart velocity limit (I like 120 fps)
whether blaster hits and friendly fire count
rules for shields and melee weapons
what signifies that a player has respawned

Other General Rules
Be respectful. It’s only a game.
Use common sense
Before touching someone's gear ask for permission
Everyone should have eye protection
Don't move bunkers
Ricochets don't count
Players shouldn't discuss what's going on if they haven't spawned back in.
Victory Condition:
The player with the most accumulated time inside Tokyo who remains alive wins.
Supplies Needed:
10 flags for each player (they should be distinguishable from each other)
a timer that supports the number of players

More Information
For those with apple devices the phone app Board Game Timer by Mads Purup works really well for this game mode as it can set a timer for each player.
DGT Cube timers will work too but appear to have been discontinue.

Learn More

Basic Supplies
Foam Blasters (e.g. Nerf)
Extra Ammo
Bunkers (e.g. cardboard)
Copy of Rules
Team Indicators (Optional)
Setup Required:
Designate what area is Tokyo with the cones (this area should be fairly large with good cover)
Place the timer inside of Tokyo
Designate 2 to 4 respawn points outside of Tokyo

Example Field Setups