Game Designer: Unknown
Game Designer: Unknown
Nerf War Rules For
Team Deathmatch
Player Count:
Playing Time:
5-15 min

Game Designer:
This is the classic game mode where your only goal is to tag the other team more times than they tag yours. There are many variants for how to actually keep track of the score these include things like respawn limits on individual players, team respawn limits or just seeing who has achieved the most tags at the end of a set time. Games can consist of two or more teams and can also be run as a free for all elimination game.
Quick Reference Rules:
Tag the other team as much as possible.
3-15 Variant:
Each player has 3 lives. After a player gets tagged a third time they are eliminated.
15 second respawn.
Game ends when there is only one team with players still alive.
Respawn Orb Variant:
When a player is tagged they return to their respawn and remove one of their respawn orbs from the bin. Once all respawn orbs have been removed from the bin the game is over and that team loses.
Players may respawn as long as they were able to remove a respawn orb. 15 second respawn.
Timer Variant:
When a player is tagged they return to their respawn and place a dart in the life counter container.
Infinite respawns. 15 second respawn.
Game ends when the 10 minute timer goes off.

Detailed Rules

What if two players tag each other at the same time?
Awesome, you just made a trade and you should both head back to the respawn. If that was your last life then you are eliminated but at least you know you took the other player down with you.

Can there be a tie?
It’s possible. If two players shoot each other at the same time this could result in a tie for both the 3-15 and Respawn Orb variants. Additionally, for the timer variant after the timer goes off it’s quite possible that the teams have tagged each other the same number of times. In case of a tie, I suggest just celebrating in your shared victory and starting a new game. If you really want a tie breaker then I would suggest having a shoot off.

For the 3-15 variant, what do I do once eliminated?
Take a break and prep for the next game.

For the Respawn Orb variant, do I have to remove an orb if it’s the last one?
Yes. You must remove the orb as soon as you are tagged. If it’s the last one then the game ends and the other team wins.

Group-Specific Rules
Decide On...
who has the final say on a disagreement about someone getting hit.
rules for jumping over or climbing on bunkers
what types of ammo are allowed
a dart velocity limit (I like 120 fps)
whether blaster hits and friendly fire count
rules for shields and melee weapons
what signifies that a player has respawned

Other General Rules
Be respectful. It’s only a game.
Use common sense
Before touching someone's gear ask for permission
Everyone should have eye protection
Don't move bunkers
Ricochets don't count
Players shouldn't discuss what's going on if they haven't spawned back in.
Victory Condition:
3-15 Variant: The winning team is the one that still has someone alive after all other teams have been eliminated. (Optional) Add a timer so eliminated players aren’t sitting around too long, see timer variant.
Respawn Orb Variant: The winning team eliminates the other team by forcing them to use all of their respawn orbs. This is nice because players don’t get eliminated
Timer Variant: The winning team is the one that has tagged the other team players more times than their team was tagged. This usually involves having each team keep track of their deaths using some kind of counter.
Supplies Needed:
3-15 Variant:
life counter item for players (optional)
timer (optional)
Respawn Orb Variant:
30 flags or similar to act as respawn orbs. Adjust as needed depending on number of players.
2X small bin for flags
Timer Variant:
2X container for life counter

More Information
While you can use any timer, I've really enjoy using the iOS app Countdown Timer by Jason Everett. I find that it adds to the intensity of the game to hear the last few seconds being counted down. For our games we usually just run the app through a phone hooked up to a bluetooth speaker.

Learn More

Basic Supplies
Foam Blasters (e.g. Nerf)
Extra Ammo
Bunkers (e.g. cardboard)
Copy of Rules
Team Indicators (Optional)
Setup Required:
This can be played with any field setup.
3-15 Variant:
Give each player 3 life counters (optional)
Set a 10 minute timer (optional)
Respawn Orb Variant:
Place 15 flags in a bin at each of the teams respawn zones.
Timer Variant:
Place a life counter container at each of the teams respawn zones.
Set a 10 minute timer

Example Field Setups