Game Designer: Unknown
Game Designer: Unknown
Nerf War Rules For
The Walking Dead
Player Count:
Playing Time:
7 Min

Game Designer:
Adam (Game Mode Repository)
Loosely based on the TV show The Walking Dead this is of course a zombie style game that is semi-cooperative. Players must form alliances but must always be wary of being back stabbed by those they think are their friends. This is a game where there are limited resources and not everyone will survive. Only those players who acquire enough supplies win the game.
Quick Reference Rules:
There are no preset teams
Each player receives two lives.
If a player is shot they lose one life, once they lose two lives they are turned into a zombie.
If a human is shot they must drop all the flags that they have acquired. They then get a 5 second immunity where they cannot be shot or tagged.
If a player is tagged by a zombie they lose all of their lives and must drop all of their flags.
Zombies must return to their respawn when shot.
Zombies have infinite lives. Zombies respawn as soon as they reach their respawn.
Each human is trying to have at least two flags at the end of the game in order to win.
Game ends when the timer goes off or there are no humans remaining.

Detailed Rules

Am I allowed to form alliances?
Yes, but you need to wait until the game starts. You’re on your own to start.

Am I allowed to backstab people?
Yes, and people should remember this is a game and just part of the game.

How does immunity work?
A player must immediately start counting down from 5 out loud and yell respawn after the number 1. You cannot delay your count down or respawn.

Are you allowed to shoot humans or zombies during immunity?

Are you allowed to pick up flags during immunity?

Can I pick up more than two flags?
Yes, you can collect as many flags as you want

Can I give other players flags?
Yes or just drop them on the ground

What if a human doesn’t have at least two flags at the end of the game?
They lose.

What do I do when I become a zombie?
Go place your blaster somewhere where people won’t trip over it and go respawn. You can no longer use shields, blasters, or other weapons

Can zombies pick up or move flags?

Group-Specific Rules
Decide On...
who has the final say on a disagreement about someone getting hit.
rules for jumping over or climbing on bunkers
what types of ammo are allowed
a dart velocity limit (I like 120 fps)
whether blaster hits and friendly fire count
rules for shields and melee weapons
what signifies that a player has respawned

Other General Rules
Be respectful. It’s only a game.
Use common sense
Before touching someone's gear ask for permission
Everyone should have eye protection
Don't move bunkers
Ricochets don't count
Players shouldn't discuss what's going on if they haven't spawned back in.
Victory Condition:
For humans, have at least two flags in your possession when the timer goes off. At most one third of the players can win.
Supplies Needed:
Flags = 2/3 X # of players

More Information

Learn More

Basic Supplies
Foam Blasters (e.g. Nerf)
Extra Ammo
Bunkers (e.g. cardboard)
Copy of Rules
Team Indicators (Optional)
Setup Required:
Spread the flags throughout the field
Designate an area as the zombie respawn
Set a 7 minute timer

Example Field Setups