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Nerf War Rules For

The Schwartz

Player Count:


Playing Time:

 7 min




Game Designer:

 SMDHON (Southern Maryland House of Nerf)


This game mode feels like a mixture of flag push and king of the hill. In the game, players are attempting to transport as many balls as possible to the center of the field. The twist is that a player who is carrying a ball is unable to use their gear while transporting it and must rely on their teammates to protect them. Players must also consider that if they fail, the ball they were carrying is no longer in play and their team has lost the ability to score that point(s).

Quick Reference Rules:

  1. Infinite lives. 15 second respawn.

  2. When transporting balls players cannot use blasters, shields, throwables or melee.

  3. Each player can only transport one ball at a time.

  4. Players who are tagged while transporting a ball must drop it and go respawn.

  5. Game ends when the timer goes off.


Detailed Rules


Can you use balls after they have been dropped on the ground?

No. Those balls are now out of play.


Can I drop a ball without being tagged?

Yes. If you want to drop the ball so you can use your gear that is allowed, however that ball is now out of play unless of course you drop it in the scoring or starting bucket.


Can you hand a ball between players?



Can the starting or scoring buckets be moved?



Can you steal enemy balls out of the scoring bucket or their starting bucket?



Can the balls be thrown?

No, they must be dropped in the bucket.


Group-Specific Rules

Decide On...

  • who has the final say on a disagreement about someone getting hit.

  • rules for jumping over or climbing on bunkers

  • what types of ammo are allowed

  • a dart velocity limit (I like 120 fps)

  • whether blaster hits and friendly fire count

  • rules for shields and melee weapons

  • what signifies that a player has respawned


Other General Rules

  • Be respectful. It’s only a game.

  • Use common sense

  • Before touching someone's gear ask for permission

  • Everyone should have eye protection

  • Don't move bunkers

  • Ricochets don't count

  • Players shouldn't discuss what's going on if they haven't spawned back in.

Victory Condition:

The team that scores the most points wins. Orange and purple balls are worth 1 point each, red and blue balls are worth 5 points each.

Supplies Needed:

  • 3 buckets

  • 20 orange balls, 5 red balls, 20 purple balls, and 5 blue balls or similar

  • timer


More Information


Learn More


Basic Supplies

  • Foam Blasters (e.g. Nerf)

  • Extra Ammo

  • Bunkers (e.g. cardboard)

  • Copy of Rules

  • Team Indicators (Optional)

Setup Required:

  • Place a bucket of the orange and red balls at the red respawn and a bucket of purple and blue balls at the blue respawn.

  • Place the scoring bucket in the center of the field.

  • Set a 7 minute timer (adjust as needed)



Example Field Setups


About Me


I only recently made the switch to being a Nerf/ Foam enthusiast back in 2018. Rather than modding Nerf blasters, I found my real passion was in the creation of game modes.


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