Game Designer: Unknown
Game Designer: Unknown
Nerf War Rules For
Player Count:
Playing Time:
10 Min

Game Designer:
Adam (Game Mode Repository)
A reworking of team death match and capture the flag, this new game mode brings the best element of team death match while minimizing the worst element, all with the use of a capture the flag mechanism. In this game, players don't automatically respawn but must rely on their teammates to capture respawn orbs (flags) to bring them back into the game. When a player captures a respawn orb it can trigger a massive respawn for their team letting them make that last minute comeback.
Quick Reference Rules:
There is no respawn count down, instead when a player on a team captures a flag everyone in the respawn area is back in.
General Rule Exception: Players are encouraged to shout encouragement and what the other team is doing while waiting to respawn.
If you are tagged while carrying a flag you must return it to the bin that you took it from before going back to your respawn.
Players may take flags from either of the two bins in the center or from the opposing teams bin.
Flags are considered captured when they are placed in that players team bin.

Detailed Rules

Can players pass flags between each other?
No. You are only allowed to carry one flag at a time and you must take it back to your teams bin as soon as possible. If you get tagged while carrying it you must immediately take it back to the bin where you took it from. You cannot give it to one of your team mates or someone from the opposing team. You should not purposefully delay placing the flag back in the bin in order to prevent someone from taking it.

If I get tagged after stealing a flag from the other teams bin, do they get to respawn when I return it to their bin?
No. That team has already captured that flag and do not get to respawn when a player from the opposing team is forced to return a flag.

Can I hold onto a flag instead of capturing it right away?
No with one exception, if a player is about to capture a flag and sees that one of their team mates is almost in the respawn area it would be acceptable to wait a few seconds to let them in. Other than that special case, once a player takes a flag they should try and place it in their bin as soon as possible. Players may be tempted to hold onto flags in order to help their team respawn at a later time but that is not the intent of this game.

Group-Specific Rules
Decide On...
who has the final say on a disagreement about someone getting hit.
rules for jumping over or climbing on bunkers
what types of ammo are allowed
a dart velocity limit (I like 120 fps)
whether blaster hits and friendly fire count
rules for shields and melee weapons
what signifies that a player has respawned

Other General Rules
Be respectful. It’s only a game.
Use common sense
Before touching someone's gear ask for permission
Everyone should have eye protection
Don't move bunkers
Ricochets don't count
Players shouldn't discuss what's going on if they haven't spawned back in.
Victory Condition:
A team wins by either eliminating the other team or by having the most flags in their bin after 10 minutes.
Supplies Needed:
4 bins
31 flags or similar
a timer

More Information
While you can use any timer, I've really enjoyed using the iOS app Audio Countdown by Jason Everrett.

Learn More

Basic Supplies
Foam Blasters (e.g. Nerf)
Extra Ammo
Bunkers (e.g. cardboard)
Copy of Rules
Team Indicators (Optional)
Setup Required:
Place two bins in the middle of the field so they are equally accessible and defendable for both teams.
Place 15 flags in one of the middle bins and 16 flags in the other.
Set a timer to 10 minutes.

Example Field Setups