Game Designer: Unknown
Game Designer: Unknown
Nerf War Rules For
VIP Extraction
Player Count:
Playing Time:
5 Min

Game Designer:
Adam (Game Mode Repository)
Another take on VIP. Many VIP game modes inherently encourage the VIP to hide rather than actively engage the enemy, while this doesn’t fix that completely it definitely works on minimizing it. In this game mode tha VIP must extract by entering enemy territory and crossing their goal line. This can be played as a single life elimination game but personally I prefer having a life pool.
Quick Reference Rules:
Non-VIPs share a life pool.
VIPs have 3 lives separate from the life pool.
10 second respawns.
The game ends when one of the VIPs successfully extracts, both VIPs are out of lives or the game timer ends.

Detailed Rules

Does a team win if they are able to eliminate the other team's VIP?
No. You need to successfully extract your VIP to win.

Does a team keep playing after they use up their life pool?
Yes. Those players who are still alive on the field can continue to play. Any player who is tagged out after the life pool is used up has been eliminated.

Do the VIP/ non-VIPs need to immediately enter the field after respawning?
No. They can take a moment to plan a strategy but should not delay too long.

Group-Specific Rules
Decide On...
who has the final say on a disagreement about someone getting hit.
rules for jumping over or climbing on bunkers
what types of ammo are allowed
a dart velocity limit (I like 120 fps)
whether blaster hits and friendly fire count
rules for shields and melee weapons
what signifies that a player has respawned

Other General Rules
Be respectful. It’s only a game.
Use common sense
Before touching someone's gear ask for permission
Everyone should have eye protection
Don't move bunkers
Ricochets don't count
Players shouldn't discuss what's going on if they haven't spawned back in.
Victory Condition:
The first team to extract their VIP past the enemy team's goal line wins. If neither VIP extracts then it is a draw.
Supplies Needed:
Goal line markers
Life indicators (typically the life pool should have about 2 lives for every player on the team although for larger groups you may want less and for smaller groups you may want more).
Life indicators can be a bucket of balls, a clicker or anything else that can easily keep track of the number of times players have been tagged. Usually it’s best if it counts down so that players know they have no lives left.

More Information

Learn More

Basic Supplies
Foam Blasters (e.g. Nerf)
Extra Ammo
Bunkers (e.g. cardboard)
Copy of Rules
Team Indicators (Optional)
Setup Required:
Mark the goal lines or extraction zone
Designate one player on both teams as the VIP. Game admins can decide if they want the VIP to be known by the opposing team at the start of the game.
Place the life pool in the respawn
Set a 5 minute timer

Example Field Setups