Game Designer: Unknown
Game Designer: Unknown
Nerf War Rules For
Humans Vs Zombie (TTT)
Player Count:
6 - 50
Playing Time:
5 - 10 Min

Game Designer:
Ben (Rochester Parkour)
I learned about this version of human’s vs zombies from RocPK in Rochester NY. It is a trouble in terrorist town style game, where the starting zombies are unknown by the other players. This is a great way to pick starting zombies so that the same players are not always volunteering. And while I’ve rarely ever seen the humans achieve a victory, it doesn’t really matter because it’s so much fun.
Quick Reference Rules:
See setup for picking starting zombie(s).
Since this is HvZ the fps limit should be somewhat low.
Each human receives one life.
Zombies must hand tag the humans. Zombies are not allowed to use blasters.
If a player is tagged by a zombie they are now a zombie.
When zombies are tagged they are stunned for 5 seconds.
Friendly fire doesn’t count.
Game ends when the timer goes off or all players have been turned into zombies

Detailed Rules

How do I tell if someone is a zombie?
Since this version of HvZ is designed for smaller groups/ play areas it’s usually pretty easy to tell who is and isn’t a zombie. However, if your club prefers, zombies can wear some kind of marker.

Can humans pretend to be a zombie by putting their blasters down?
No. You should always be carrying a blaster (or melee if your club allows).

Can humans use melee and shields?
My recommendation is no, but that is up to your club. Just make sure everyone understands the safety concerns.

What do I do when I become a zombie?
Go place your blaster (including secondary blasters) somewhere where people won’t trip over them and then respawn. You can no longer use shields, blasters, or other weapons; however, some clubs might like to allow the use of pool noodles.

Do zombies need to respawn at a certain spot?
No. Zombies do their 5 second count at the location where they were tagged.

Can I camp out right next to a zombie?
No. That would be called being a jerk. While zombies will often get hit right after respawning you should avoid camping out next to them.

Do starting zombies have to reveal themselves right away?
No. They can choose when to reveal themselves, they do so by setting down their blasters at which point they can attack. Note they should not throw down their blaster but rather place them on the ground.

Do zombies need to yell “RESPAWN”?

Group-Specific Rules
Decide On...
who has the final say on a disagreement about someone getting hit.
rules for jumping over or climbing on bunkers
what types of ammo are allowed
a dart velocity limit (I like 120 fps)
whether blaster hits and friendly fire count
rules for shields and melee weapons
what signifies that a player has respawned

Other General Rules
Be respectful. It’s only a game.
Use common sense
Before touching someone's gear ask for permission
Everyone should have eye protection
Don't move bunkers
Ricochets don't count
Players shouldn't discuss what's going on if they haven't spawned back in.
Victory Condition:
A human wins by surviving until the timer goes off. Zombies win if all humans are turned into zombies.
Supplies Needed:
Deck of cards
Zombie indicators (optional)

More Information

Learn More

Basic Supplies
Foam Blasters (e.g. Nerf)
Extra Ammo
Bunkers (e.g. cardboard)
Copy of Rules
Team Indicators (Optional)
Setup Required:
Depending on the size of the field and number of players you will need to adjust the number of starting zombies and timer length:
For smaller player counts/ play areas 1 or 2 starting zombies is probably sufficient. For larger player counts/ play areas 2 or 3 starting zombies should be good (It's pretty common for a starting zombie to immediately get a tag).
Shuffle cards together (1 Ace per starting zombie, 1 other card per starting human). Pass out the cards. Players should keep these hidden from each other. Let everyone know that if they have a Ace then they are a starting zombie. Collect all of the cards.
If there is more than 1 starting zombie, have everyone stand in a circle and close their eyes. Say the following “Starting Zombies open your eyes and put your thumbs up. Figure out who your fellow starting zombies are”. Wait 5 seconds then have the players put their thumbs back down and close their eyes, then have everyone open their eyes.
Players can start anywhere on the field.
For smaller player counts, set a 5 minute timer. For larger player counts, set a 10 minute timer. Adjust the time as needed for follow on games.

Example Field Setups